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公主,王子,英雄,冒险文娱缔造者,惊喜...迪士尼童话故事伴随着我们度过欢乐的童年。2017年7月21日的夜晚猎明 ,一本关于迪士尼经典童话的魔法故事书拉开了卡尔加里幼儿园大型英文舞台剧的序幕。当魔法书被打开时,米奇,米妮,唐老鸭和高飞惊奇地发现,故事中的角色一下子鲜活起来,他们也被带入故事中。现在让我们跟着他们一起体验魔法故事书之旅吧曹瑶瑶。
Full of princes and princesses; heroes and villains; adventure and discovery, Disney fairy tales can leave a child with a joyous and captivating childhood. On the night of July the 21st, 2017, a story about the magic of Disney’s classic fairy tales opened the prelude of the Calgary Kindergarten English production. When the magic book was opened郭圣然 , Mickey and Minnie mouse, Donald duck and Goofy were all very surprised to find the characters from these stories come to life; that is before they were sucked into the story themselves.Now, lets follow them together to experience the magic of this storybook journey.

大四班,小小一班和大二班的灰姑娘,让我们看到了她的美丽姚中仁 ,善良和追求幸福的勇气。
Big4class卢俊卿 ,Mini1classandBig2classintheclassicstoryofCinderella,letusseethebeauty,kindnessandcourageforthepursuitofhappiness.
中三、小小四,小小五和中四班的美人鱼,把我们带到了五彩缤纷的海底世界。听夺命高校 ,美人鱼的嗓音是如此的温柔醉人,同时她们又是那么的坚强。

从海底世界出来寻秦记连晋 ,我们来到了辛巴的王国课间好时光。小班级的狮子王,生动展示了他的勇敢和强壮,不畏困难,最终取得胜利徐粲金 。
告别狮子王,我们遇到了中二班b区32号 ,小小二班和大三班的白雪公主。可爱美丽的白雪公主,精灵善良的小矮人土茯苓煲鸡 ,英俊帅气的王子,故事扣人心弦,道姑妙妙 激动人心。
最后大一班朗·普尔曼 ,小小三班和中一班的美女和野兽,演绎了一段浪漫唯美的动人故事,让我们沉浸其中,久久不能忘怀。
AndaswesaidfarewelltotheLionKingwecamefacetofacewithMiddle2class泰囧插曲 ,Mini2classandBig3classonawonderfuladventurewiththefairestofthemall,snowwhite;astoryfullofsurpriseandsuspenseaboutsevendwarvesonamissiontosavethebeautifulsnowwhite.Andfinallywecametotheenticingstoryofawomanwhofoundtrueinnerbeautyinabeastbecomeprince;inthejaw-droppinglyandunforgettableinterpretationofbeautyandthebeastbyBig1class千秋膳房 ,Mini3classandMiddle1class.

这次英文汇演思兔在线阅读,孩子们学会了享受舞台拳皇对街霸,自信地展示了个人风采和英语表达能力王京阳 ,赢得了观众热烈的掌声和欢呼声。家长们对于此次英文汇演给予了高度的评价和赞许蔡国威 ,看到孩子们在台上的自信,大方和快乐,十分感动和欣喜人皇经。
The children had learned to enjoy performing on the stage through this English performance. They showed themselves and the English skills confidently, which won abundant applause and cheers from the audience. Parents spoke highly of this performance, they felt touched and joyful seeing children were confident and happy at the stage.A big thanks to parents, for your trust; a big thanks to the Parents Committee, for your support; a big thanks to all the staff for your hard work and thank you so much to our children for their efforts. We believe their dreams will become true through hard work, just as in the fairy stories.

上一篇:昆山国税局【预警】巴基斯坦、安哥拉、美国、秘鲁近期预警信息-衢州市贸促会 下一篇:探索月球的奥秘【骨盆】大腿有缝隙就是美腿?也许只是腿歪了-御馨堂合伙人

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