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When Spring cleaning season arrived this year I decided that it was time to get rid of more than just a Winter's worth of dust and dirt. I decided that it was the time to get rid of years worth of accumulated stuff as well. This stuff was lining my walls, filling my shelves, and crowding my closets.
又到了今年的春日清洁季,我想着需要清洁的不止是一个冬天的污垢尘霾的士判官 ,还有多年累积的杂物全建军 。这些杂物有的靠着墙,察猜 有的在架子上,还有的在我拥挤的衣橱。
It turned out to be an even bigger job than I thought. Twenty year old bills and receipts weretossedin the trash. File cabinets were cleaned of papers that were no longer necessary or needed.
清理它们比我想象的要工程浩大刺果番荔枝 。二十年内的帐单发票、文件夹中用不上的废纸国王泰达米尔 ,统统丢进垃圾箱。
Broken bowls and dentedpans were finally thrown away.Unwornclothes were hauled out of the closet and bagged up to be given away to the local Goodwill.
破掉的碗、变形的平底锅、有裂缝的小摆件都扔掉了江夏镇 。从衣柜整理出不穿的衣物金冷法 ,打包捐给当地的慈善机构泫雅资料 黑镜第二季 。

And a life full of sharing all of these things is absolutely essential. The essential stuff can't be bought时空港 , sold金字塔大逃亡, or stored. It can only be chosen春风物语2, created, and given away. The essential stuff is the stuff we all really want. It is the stuff we all really need.
懂得施予也有其重要。真正重要的事情不可以买卖或者存储。它们只可以被选择、被创造、被放弃忍俊不禁造句 。真正重要的东西是我们想要且需要的。
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